3.11 YURIAGE Gathering
YURIAGE Wharf Moring Market will open only this day for the memory to start everything up again. Hoping it will be a big place to re-unite. And We decorate Yuriage Jr High school with Picture Lanterns, sending paper balloons up paying the tribute of people killed by the Tsunami of the Tohoku Earthquake.

Wanted drawings for the Picture Lanterns.

Date 3.11 2012  6:00 am – 7:15 am (plan)
Place Yuriage Jr High school, Yuriage Elementary school, Mt, Hiyori
Parking Yuriage community hall
Bus Natori Performing Arts Center – the places above – JR Mitazono Station
*Please take this bus from station as much as possible.
*Date and programs can be changed because of the weather, etc.


MORNING around Mt. Hiyori

6:00~12:00 Our symbol of recovery “YURIAGE Wharf Morining Market”
-Let’s start from today-
7:00~9:30 Take a wide look around our city“Balloon Ride”

Morining Market"

At Mt. Hiyori

Balloons you can get on.
At Mt. Hiyori

AFTERNOON and EVNING at Yuriage Jr High school and Yuriage Elementary school

Silent prayer, Candle night

17:00~ Memorial music live
17:00~19:00 Light a holly fire of Buddhism
Light up RIP Lanterns
18:30~ Yayoi touka e
Send paper balloon up to the sky
Yayoi touka e
Send up paper balloons paying tribute to victims
At Yuriage Jr High
Collecting prayers on the wood boards.
15:30 pm – 18:00 pm at Yuriage Jr High
Please join and write prayers to boards.
Light up RIP Lanterns
At Yuriage Jr High
Wanted : Drawings for Lanterns
Candle night in Natori
At Yuriage Elemntary
Light a holly fire of Buddhism
At Yuriage Jr High


The Project to revive Natori by tourism